Featured Cigars
Rancho Mirage
We offer a full array of premium cigars that will appeal to any enthusiast. Visit our walk-in humidor to browse our full selection.
La Flor de Dominicana Andalusian Bull | $44
2016 Cigar of the Year, this cigar invokes the spirit of famous Toreros of Spain. Using a dark, yet natural Ecuadorian corojo wrapper, this cigar shows its character and uniqueness. The cigar uses some of the most powerful fillers and binders grown in the famous La Canela Farm owned by the Litto Gomez Family. This is a delicious smoke with a figurado shape and is a rare find.
Davidoff Oro Blanco | $575
Oro Blanco is the most exceptional cigar Davidoff has ever created. Oro Blanco consists of the rarest tobacco, harvested in 2000-2001 in one of the richest soils in all of the Dominican Republic, where the Mao, Gurabo and the Yaque Del Norte rivers weave their way through the Mao zone. After having aged for more than 12 years, the cigars are rolled only by Davidoff’s most skilled rollers with over 15 years of experience. Once the cigar is rolled there is an additional year of aging, at which each cigar is reviewed and approved by Master Blender Eladio Diaz. Each cigar bears the signature of Master Blender Eladio Diaz. Oro Blanco is unforgettably balanced, elegant and refined. We invite you to discover it for yourself and enjoy a time beautifully filled.
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