Thursdays | February 1 – March 20
4 PM – 9 PM

Play your favorite slots and table games to earn drawing entries for your chance to win
Free Play, Promotional Chips or a pair of general admission tickets to The Thermal Club INDYCAR Grand Prix.

One ACE Club member will be randomly selected to win $250 Free Play or Promotional Chips.

One winner announced every 30 minutes.

ONE WINNER will be selected to win tickets.*

*3-DAY GENERAL ADMISSION TICKET ($450 retail value)

Experience the race at the exclusive Thermal Club and enjoy seating with premium views of the track, close to the racing action. Parking included.

INDYCAR Grand Prix at The Thermal Club
Event Dates: March 21, 22, 23 


Cathedral City| Palm Springs| Rancho Mirage

Thermal Indy Car Sweepstakes

Agua Caliente Casinos

February 1 – March 20, 2025

Agua Caliente Casino Rancho Mirage, Agua Caliente Casino Palm Springs & Agua Caliente Casino Cathedral City, (hereinafter referred to as ACCRM, ACCPS & ACCCC) otherwise known as Agua Caliente Casinos, will give ACE Club members who play on the Casino Floor the opportunity to win their share of Free Slot Play, Promotional Chip (hereinafter referred to as Non-Negotiable Chips or NNCs) Prizes and/or a Grand Prize of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets (valued at $951.50) during our “Thermal Indy Car Sweepstakes”. 


ACE Club members who play on the Casino Floor with their ACE Club Card will have the opportunity to participate in our drawing for the chance to win their share of Free Slot Play, Non-Negotiable Chips prizes and/or a Grand Prize of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets. ACE Club members must earn electronic drawing entries by playing their favorite slot machines with their ACE Club Card properly inserted or by actively playing at a live table game with an open rating on the Casino Floor at the time of the drawing, at any Agua Caliente Casino, including AC Fuel (slots only).

Event Details:

·      Saturday, February 1, 2025 – Electronic drawing entry earning begins at 12:01AM, and ends ten (10) minutes prior to the last drawing on Thursday, March 20, 2025.

·      Thursdays, February 6, 2025 through March 20, 2025 – Drawings from 4:00PM – 9:00PM.

·      Location: Drawings will be announced and conducted from the ACE Club at each Agua Caliente Casino. 

Electronic Drawing Entry Earning Slot Machines:

§  10 slot points earned = 1 electronic drawing entry. Every $10 dollars played on slot machines equals three (3) slot points. Every $20 dollars played on video poker machines equals three (3) slot points. Rated table games play and live poker table play do not qualify for slot points. Slot points must be earned through slots or video poker only.

§  Slot point earning begins at 12:01AM on Saturday, February 1, 2025, and ends ten (10) minutes prior to the last drawing on Thursday, March 20, 2025.

§  Entries earned will be cumulative for the promotional period and will not expire until Thursday, March 20, 2025, after the last drawing is complete.

§  Winners have three (3) minutes to claim their prize with an authorized Marketing representative from the ACE Club of the property the winner was announced from. 

§  To be eligible, entries must be activated within two (2) hours and at least ten (10) minutes prior to each drawing time, by playing slot machines with an ACE Club Card (see “The Following Rules Apply to Promotional Drawings using PlayerSoft”, Rule #3 (a), (b) and #4).

·      IMPORTANT: Electronic drawing entry earning will be based on slot play at Agua Caliente Casinos, including AC Fuel.

·      Electronic Drawings Entry Earning Table Games:

§  $5 table games theoretical win = 1 entry  

§  On Saturday, February 1, 2025, drawing entry earning shall begin at 12:01AM and ends ten (10) minutes prior to the last drawing on Thursday, March 20, 2025.

§  Entries earned will be cumulative for the promotional period and will not expire until Thursday, March 20, 2025 after the last drawing is complete.

§  Players must have rated table games play within two (2) hours of each drawing to be eligible.

§  Open table games ratings will be closed by a Table Games Floor Supervisor (or above) starting at 3:30PM, 5:30PM, and 7:30PM to activate entries into the drawings (see “The Following Rules Apply to Promotional Drawings using PlayerSoft”, Rule #4, #5 and #6 (a), (b), (c)).

§  If a player is actively playing at the time of activation, Table Games Floor Supervisor (or above) will close the rating to activate entries and then re-open their rating immediately. This process must be repeated for each activation time, to repopulate any new entries earned into the electronic drawing drum since the last activation.

·      3:30PM activation – qualifies for 4:00PM through 5:30PM

·      5:30PM activation – qualifies for 6:00PM through 7:30PM

·      7:30PM activation – qualifies for 9:00PM

§  Winners have three (3) minutes to claim their prize with an authorized Marketing representative from the ACE Club of the property the winner was announced from.

·      IMPORTANT: VIP electronic drawing entry earning for Table Games will be based on table games play at Agua Caliente Casinos, excluding AC Fuel.

Drawing Structure: 

·      On Thursdays, February 6, 2025 through March 20, 2025, one (1) winner will be selected every 30 minutes beginning at 4:00PM – 8:30PM: Ten (10) winners of $250 Free Slot Play/NNC

·      9:00PM: Two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets or may choose $1,000 Free Slot Play/NNC in lieu of Tickets. 

·      Ten (10) winners will be selected to receive $250 in Free Slot Play/NNC and one (1) winner will be selected per property to win the Grand Prize of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets valued at $951.50.

·      Grand Prize winners will have the option of choosing $1,000 Free Slot Play or NNC in lieu of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets.

·      Winners have three (3) minutes to claim their prize with an authorized Marketing representative from the ACE Club of the property the winner was announced from. 

·      ACE Club members may only win twice (2) during the promotional day across all three (3) properties. Once during 4:00PM – 8:30PM drawings, then again during the 9:00PM drawing

·      ACE Club Members may only win one (1) Grand Prize of either two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets or $1,000 Free Slot Play or NNC in lieu of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets the entire promotional period.

·      Note: Grand Prize winners of the two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets visit the ACE Club where they won to collect their prize on March 20, 2025, during ACE Club Operational Hours.

o   If Winners fail to pick-up their tickets at the ACE Club by the end of operational hours on March 20, 2025, they will forfeit their prize.  No additional winner will be chosen.

·      Weekly Drawing Schedule:

Drawing TimeWinnerAmount
4:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
4:30PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
5:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
5:30PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
6:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
6:30PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
7:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
7:30PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
8:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
8:30PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games Winner$250 FSP or NNC
9:00PMOne (1) Slots or Tables Games WinnerGA TICKETS or $1,000 FSP or NNC

o   Total number of Winners per week per property: 11

o   Total number of Winners combined (all properties) per week: 33

o   Combined Total number of Winners per promotional period, all properties: 231

Prize Pool:

·      $2,500 Free Play/NNC per property per week and $7,500 Free Play/NNC all properties each week (February 6, 2025 – March 20, 2025 at ACCRM, ACCPS & ACCCC)

·      Total Free Play/NNC Combined (all properties): up to $52,500

·      Indy Car Tickets per property per week: $951.50; all properties $2,854.50 per week

§  Indy Car Tickets for all 7 weeks combined per property: $6,660.50

Indy Car Tickets for all 7 weeks combined all properties: $19,981.50

§  $1,000 Free Play/NNC 7 weeks combined per property: $7,000

§  $1,000 Free Play/NNC 7 weeks combined all properties: $21,000

The Following Rules Apply to Promotional Drawings using PlayerSoft on each Drawing Day:

1.     Slot players must earn electronic drawing entries by accumulating slot points. Players can accumulate slot points while playing slot machines anywhere on the Casino Floor with their ACE Club Card properly inserted into a slot machineat any Agua Caliente Casino, including AC Fuel. Slot players earn one (1) electronic drawing entry per ten (10) slot points earned during the promotional period. Electronic drawing entries are automatically entered into the PlayerSoft “virtual” drawing barrel.

2.     All qualifying slot and/or table games entries for the Thermal Indy Car Sweepstakes must be earned starting at 12:01AM on Saturday, February 1, 2025 and will ends ten (10) minutes prior to the last drawing on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Slot points can be earned at any Agua Caliente Casino including AC Fuel (See “Electronic Drawing Entry Earning”). Entry earning for table games players shall be based on table games play at any Agua Caliente Casino, excluding AC Fuel.

3.     Slot players must activate their electronic drawing entries on the day of each drawing. In order to successfully activate electronic drawing entries towards each drawing, the qualified ACE Club members will be required to follow the below steps:

a.       Using their ACE Club Card, the ACE Club member will begin a session of play at a slot machine. 

b.       The ACE Club member must close their rating by removing their ACE Club Card from a slot machine within two (2) hours or at least ten (10) minutes prior to any upcoming drawing time. This process must be repeated at every drawing time to repopulate any new entries earned into the electronic drawing drum. 

4.     For slot players and table game players, all electronic drawing entries must be activated a minimum of two (2) hours and at least ten (10) minutes prior to each drawing time in order to be eligible to win.  A sweep will be done on PlayerSoft ten (10) minutes prior to the drawing time to begin populating entries earned up to that point for winners. Announcements will be made ACE Club at Agua Caliente Casino throughout the drawing day to remind patrons how and when to activate their electronic drawing entries. 

5.     Table Game players earn electronic drawing entries by accumulating a $5 table game theoretical win while playing at a table with their ACE Club Card. Table game players earn one (1) electronic drawing entry per $5 table game theoretical win accumulated during the promotional period. Table Game drawing entries can be earned at any Agua Caliente Casino, excluding AC Fuel (See “Electronic Drawing Entry Earning”).

6.     Table games players must activate their electronic drawing entries on the day of the drawings. In order to successfully activate electronic drawing entries towards each drawing, the qualified ACE Club members will be required to follow the below steps:

a.       Using their ACE Club Card, the ACE Club member must begin a session of play at a table game a minimum of two (2) hours before each drawing session.

b.       A Table Games Floor Supervisor (or above) must close all player ratings at 3:30PM, 5:30PM and 7:30PM to activate entries into the drawing.

c.       If a player is actively playing at the time of activation, a Table Games Floor Supervisor (or above) will close the rating to activate entries and then re-open their rating immediately. This process must be repeated for each activation time to repopulate any new entries earned into the electronic drawing drum since the last activation.

7.     Once an electronic drawing entry is selected and the winning name is announced, the winner will have three (3) minutes to report to the ACE Club the winners name was announced from. In the event that a winner does not show up, they will be marked as a “no-show” on the Winners Log and we will not re-draw for another winner. The winner’s drawing and eligibility will be verified by two (2) authorized Marketing representatives before a prize is awarded. A Winners Log will be kept to indicate the electronic drawing entries drawn, winner’s name(s) and any entries drawn that are “ineligible “or “no-shows”. 

8.     All drawing promotions shall have a 30-minute verification period to determine winner eligibility after a winner has been chosen. 

9.     Winners must show valid identification to claim a prize (i.e., driver’s license, government-issued photo ID card, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Tribal ID, military ID or passport: Federal Regulations prohibit the copying or scanning of military or military dependent identification cards.).  Winners must also show their ACE Club Card to claim a prize. 

10.  For each electronic drawing entry drawn, an authorized Team Member will enter the following information on the Winners Log: date of the promotion; winner’s name; ACE Club Card number; and the award or prize won. The authorized Team Member will sign with name and gaming license number attesting to the prize distribution. The winner will sign the log, evidencing they have received the prize. 

11.  Winners agree that, as a condition of entry, a Winners Log and a Winner’s Release form will be signed prior to the payment of prizes (if applicable). The Winner’s Release form gives Agua Caliente Casinos and its agencies the rights to use the winner’s name, character, voice, likeness etc. in any future advertising, without any further compensation due to the winner. The release also holds Agua Caliente Casinos, the ACBCI, its employees, etc. harmless from the award or use of the prize.

12.  The Winner’s Release Form will include space for two (2) employee signatures: One (1) authorized Team Member, and one (1) additional signature of an authorized Team Member for verification. Winners are responsible for all Federal, State, and local taxes for all awards as a result of this promotion where applicable. Winners must provide a Social Security number and/or W-9 Form (if applicable) prior to receipt of their award or prize per the ACBCI Reporting and Withholding Internal Controls. 

13.  For Non-Negotiable Chip Prizes, an authorized Team Member will verify each winner’s ID and ACE Club Card before prizes are issued. An authorized Team Member will require the winner to sign the Winners Log before issuing a Non-Negotiable Chip Prizes Comp Voucher to the ACE Club member’s account. Once the voucher has printed the, the authorized issuer (or above) will sign the voucher with name and gaming license number and instruct the winner to present the voucher to the Main Cashier’s Cage to receive their prize in Non-Negotiable Chips.  Non-Negotiable Chip vouchers expire 24 hours after issuance.

14.  In the event that all systems go OFFLINE and become inoperable for any reason, the on-site ACGC Gaming Inspector Department and ACGC Surveillance Department will be notified immediately. Drawings will cease until the system is back online and fully operational. No manual drawing entries or prizes will be issued in lieu of the system being “offline.”

15.  ACE Club Members have the opportunity to win two (2) times per promotional day. Once (1) during in the 4:00PM – 8:30PM drawings between all Agua Caliente Casino properties, and once (1) again at the 9:00PM drawing.  

16.  Electronic drawing entries earned will expire on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at the end of the last drawing.  


1.     Must be 21 years or older to participate.

2.     Must be an ACE Club member to participate. 

3.     Restricted patrons are not eligible for any/all promotions.

4.     Employees of the Agua Caliente Casinos and Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians with an Agua Caliente Gaming Commission issued Gaming license are not eligible to participate. 

5.     Ace, Edge, or Elite Cards are the property of Agua Caliente Casinos. Use of these cards constitutes acceptance of the Rules of the ACE Players Club and will also be advertised within the ACE Players Club brochures.

6.     Agua Caliente Casinos, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, its employees, etc. are held harmless for any claims resulting from redemption of these offers.

7.     Direct Marketing Offers are valid only on the date/time shown on the direct marketing letter and are non-transferable, non-refundable and have no cash value; no change given and may not be combined with any other discount or group rate.  

8.     ACE Club members are not permitted to designate a representative to play or collect rewards on their behalf.

9.     Agua Caliente Casinos are not responsible for equipment malfunctions, including, but not limited to computer systems or any gaming related equipment utilized to administer this promotion.

10.  Facsimiles or reproduction of direct marketing offers will not be accepted; any attempt to duplicate, alter, modify or change offer voids use. 

11.  Agua Caliente Casinos are not responsible for any technical malfunctions, failures, or difficulties, printing errors, clerical, typographical or other errors within the offering or announcements of any award or prize notification, or for any errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical, clerical, electronic, or technical in nature, including but not limited to areas of the casino facility where speakers are not present or functioning or for the incorrect, inaccurate or failure to capture the appropriate information. Agua Caliente Casinos are not responsible for incomplete, illegible, misdirected, late, lost, damaged, stolen, postage due, direct marketing offers.

12.  The Agua Caliente Casinos reserve the right and sole discretion to disqualify any gaming participant who has been identified as having “tampered”, in any way deemed inappropriate, with the Direct Marketing Offers. This includes but is not limited to, counterfeiting or copying of drawing entries, placing foreign objects or inappropriate markings on the entries or Direct Marketing Offers. This disqualification will also include but is not limited to “tampering” with the entry process or any other promotional related item, or acting in a manner that may be in violation of the Official Rules or in a disruptive manner with the intent to disrupt or to undermine the legitimacy of the promotion or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any other person(s). 

13.  All patron disputes related to this promotion will be handled in accordance with the ACBCI Guest Disputes Internal Controls.

14.  All promotions will be administered in accordance with the ACBCI systems of internal controls, policies, and procedures.

15.  Agua Caliente Casinos must include a responsible gambling message on printed materials for this promotion where practical. The message will read: Problem Gambling? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. Signage must also be located within each Casino. 

16.  Free Slot Play prizes will expire from date of redemption based on the amounts below:

o   $101 – $1,500 – Expires in 30 days

17.  A copy of the promotion rules must be displayed or made readily available to the patron upon request during the duration of the promotion. The rules may be available via rules poster, rules rack card/flyer, or on the Agua Caliente Casinos website. The Marketing Department will always have a copy of the rules during the promotion.

18.  The Agua Caliente Gaming Commission (hereinafter referred to as the ACGC) retains the right to suspend, rescind, or void any promotion that fails to maintain and protect the assets, integrity and reputation of the Tribe.

19.  Prize won must be either all Free Slot Play, all Non-Negotiable Chips (no partial payments).

20.  ACE Club Members may only win one (1) Grand Prize of either two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets or $1,000 Free Slot Play or NNC in lieu of two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix the entire promotional period.

21.  Winners of the Two (2) Indy Car Grand Prix Tickets must visit the ACE Club where they won to collect their prize on March 20, 2025, during ACE Club operational hours.

a.     If Winners fail to pick-up their tickets at the ACE Club by the end of operational hours on March 20, 2025, they will forfeit their prize.  No additional winner will be chosen.





Love is always a jackpot at Agua Caliente Casinos! Happy Valentine’s Day! 🌹

#ExperienceAgua #ValentinesDay

37 5

Fun, laughs, and great moves at our Team Member Valentines Sweetheart Dance! 🩷

#teamspirit #aguacalientecasino

58 2

We’re proud to announce that Agua Caliente Resort Casino Spa Rancho Mirage, The Steakhouse, and Sunstone Spa have once again received prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Ratings for 2025!

⭐️Agua Caliente Resort Casino & The Steakhouse – Four-Star Award for the sixth consecutive year!
⭐️Sunstone Spa – Five-Star Award for the fifth consecutive year!

This achievement is a testament to our team’s dedication to excellence — this honor wouldn’t be possible without you! THANK YOU!

#forbestravelguide #aguacalientecasino #ranchomirage #experienceagua

61 4

You and who? Send this post to someone you’d love to have dinner with 🍰💝

📍 Café One Eleven
Agua Caliente Catherdral City

#ValentinesDay #ValentinesDinner #CathedralCity #LoveIsInTheAir #RomanticDinner #CoupleGoals

27 6

Ring in the Lunar New Year with $33,000 weekly at Agua Caliente Casinos!


Become one of our 33 weekly winners!—learn more by visiting our website in our bio!

20 1

Which location did you see Philadelphia win last night? #TheBigGame #ExperienceAgua

360 Sports is your destination for everything sports year round! 🏈


#footballgame #kendricklamar #sportsbar #ranchomirage #cathedralcity #palmsprings

44 3

Spin to win! ✨ Join us every Tuesday in February at Agua Caliente Cathedral City for the Coca-Cola Prize Wheel! Earn just 75 Slot Points for your chance to spin and win up to $100 Free Play and Coca-Cola prizes! 🎰🥤

📍 Tuesdays | 11 AM – 3 PM
🎡 More spins, more chances to win!

See you on the casino floor! #ExperienceAgua #CocaCola

15 0

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Vision Agua Caliente logo
Cathedral City

68960 E Palm Canyon Drive
Cathedral City, CA 92234

Rancho Mirage

32-250 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Palm Springs

401 E Amado Road
Palm Springs, CA 92262

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